2. I can use special greetings

Say this to some one when:



you say goodbye

have a nice day/evening

have a good day/ weekend

thanks, you too

and You

someone is going to bed

goodnight, sleep well

it's Christmas/new year/Easter

(Easter is a Christian festival in

March or April)

happy/merry Christmas

happy New Year

happy Easter

happy Christmas, etc.

the same to you

it's their birthday

happy birthday

thank you


they've done something well or

passed aun exam

Well done


they are getting married or having a baby

congratulations not well done

they are going to do something

difficult, e.g. before an exam

good luck

they are going away e.g. on holiday

have a good/nice holiday/time

have a good journey

someone has arrived recently or

returned home after a long time

welcome to London

welcome home/back



Cheers has two other meanings in informal, spoken English.

I Thank you

Here's the money you lent me. - Oh, cheers.

2 Goodbye

See you later. - Cheers.

About places

What do you recommend?

(= What do you think is good: )

Where's the nearest bank?

( = Where's the first bank from here)

How long is it open:

( = How many hours.,)

How far is it to the river?

( = How many metres?)

How many places can we visit with this ticket?

Is the castle worth seeing?

( Do you recommend the castle?)

What time/When does the palace close/shut? (opposite = open)

Circle the correct answers.

Which restaurant do you recommend?

which or what?

Use which when there is a small number of possibilities.

We have a double room or a twin. Which do you prefer?

In other situations, use what.

What's the address of the hotel


Exercise 3